SCOPUS ilmiy jurnallarida chop etilgan maqolalar

1. Jo‘rayevaP-Calculations relating to proportional quantities. working methods. Science and innovation international scientific journal volume 2 issue 1 january 2023 uif-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 | scientists.uz

2.Jo‘rayeva P-Fractions and teaching methodology in primary classes. Science and innovation international scientific journal volume 2 issue 2 february 2023 uif-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 | scientists.uz

3.Jo‘rayeva P-Teaching students in elementary mathematics to solve complex problems Science and innovation international scientific journal volume 2 issue 3 march 2023 uif-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 | scientists.uz

4.Muhammadiyeva L-“Gornist» source of coverage of military and political processes in turkestan (1919-1920 years)” mavzusida “Xalqaro American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations” jurnalining 6-sonida

5.Suvonov O.-Numerical Algorithm for A Computational Experiment for An Applied Optimization Problem in Systems with Distributed Parametersб Eurasian Scientific Herald

6.Suvonov O-Математическая модель и теоретико-вероят-ностная модель анализа состояния системы со стохастическими распределенными параметрами. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal September, 2023 175, Innovative Development in Educational Activities ISSN: 2181-3523 VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 18 | 2023

7.G‘ulomova N-Alisher Navoi and the third renaissance period. Procedia of Theoretical and Applied Sciences Volume 4 | Feb2023ISSN: 2795-5621A vailable: http://procedia.online /index. php/applied/index

8.Safarov- «Tеоретико-методологические подходы к изучению лидерской деятельности» “Вестник интегративной психологии” г. Ярославль, 2023. №29. – С.137–139

9.Do’sanov E- “Зарубежный опыт защиты подростковот воздействия виртуального мира” » Вестник интегративной психологии” г. Ярославль, 2023. №28. – С.154–157

10.Boboqulov J-Increasing educational efficiency using innovative technologies//European Scholar Journal (ESJ) Belgium. ISSN (E): 2660-5562 Journal Impact Factor: 7.235, 2023. – 4-son. – B.67-69.

11.Astanaqulov-Primary education is the most important stage of personal formation Educational Research in Universal Sciences ISSN: 2181-3515 VOLUME 2 | SPECIAL ISSUE 14 | 2023

12.Fayziyeva F-Participation of uzbeks abroad in the development of theworldagricultural sector. eISSN: 2349-5715 pISSN: 2349-5707Volume: 10, Issue 11, nov-2023

13.Azizova-The position of the uzbek language as the state language. Educational Research in Universal Sciences ISSN: 2181-3515 VOLUME 2 | SPECIAL ISSUE 5 | 2023

14.Suvonov O-Computational experiment of numerical study of hydrodynamic processes in interacting formations. Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2365, 070017 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0057574 Published Online: 16 July 2021; Suvonov O.O. 2021, 2 (46) 1 UDK 62-50:276.681;

15.Cho‘liyev E-Mathematical modeling of the unctioning of a hydrodynamic system with distributed  parameters. Bulletin  of  TUIT:  Management  and  Communication  Technologies.  5 -23-2021 UDK 62-50:276.681

16.Cho‘liyev E- Numerical algorithm of computational experiment of the applied optimal control problem in systems with distributed parameters. “Bulletin of TUIT: Management and Communication Technologies”

17.Xasanova X-USE OF DIDACTIC GAMES TO INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING CHEMISTRY LESSONS. Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences)Vol. 48. No. 12. December 2021


19.Mathematical model of control of a hydrodynamic object with distributed parameters (on the example of oil fields). Central Asian journal of mathematical theory and computer sciences http://cajmtcs.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJMTCS Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022  ISSN: 2660-5309

20.Safarov Dilmurod Halimovich Middle european scientific bulletin  ISSN 2694-9970 269 Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 16 Sep 2021 Copyright (c) 2021 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Socio-Psychological Mechanisms of Mutual Relations of Diade “Seller-Customer” in the Researches on Marketing Psychology

21.G‘ulomova N. – Author’s Corpus of Alisher Navoi and its
Semantic Database-7th International Conference on Compyuter Science and Engineering 2022 y.

22.Djurayeva Perdegul Saidovna – The Pedagogical Basics of the Formation of Skills of Analytical Thinking through the Development of Mathematical Competences in the Students of Primary Schools – Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 22 Mar 2022


Web of science ilmiy jurnallarida chop etilgan maqolalar

1.Safarov D- «Социально-психологическая значимость психологии маркетинга в предпринимательской деятельности » Вестник интегративной психологии” г. Ярославль, 2023. №28. – С.154–157

2.Boboqulov J-Innovative Approaches in Computer Science and Information Technology Education // Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. America, -2023, ISSN NO: 2770-0003 SJIF Impact Factor (2023): 6.772. – B.97-101.

3.Jo‘rayeva-Collections and the methodology of performing operations on them. Science and Innovation international Scientific journal volume 2 issue 5 may 2023 | ISSN: 2181-3337 UIF-2022: 8.2 SJIF 2023: 5.608 International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. Series A volume 2 issue 5 – 374p. scientists.uz A. https://doi.org/10.5281/ zenodo.7990670

4.Soliyeva – Development of experimental competence of a future physics. International Journal of Education, Social Science & Humanities.
Finland Academic Research Science Publishers

5.Jurayeva P-Significance of national values in family education in public pedagogy. Science and Innovation international Scientific journal VOLUME 2 ISSUE 9 SEPTEMBER 2023 UIF-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 UIF-2022: 8.2 SJIF 2023: 5.608 | SCIENTISTS.UZ SCIENTISTS.UZ Series B https://doi.org/10.5281/ zenodo.8364223 International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. Series B volume 2 issue 9 – 514p.

6.Jurayeva P-Pedagogical skill and competence touch. SCIENCE AND INNOVATION INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL VOLUME 2 ISSUE 10 OCTOBER 2023 UIF-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 ISSN: 2181-3337 UIF-2022: 8.2 SJIF 2023: 5.608 | SCIENTISTS.UZ International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Series B Volume 2 Issue 10 October 2023 International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. Series B volume 2 issue 10 – 487p. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.842234

7.Jurayeva P-Education is the spiritual support of the family. Science and Innovation international Scientific journal volume 2 issue 6 june 2023 | ISSN: 2181-3337 UIF-2022: 8.2 SJIF 2023: 5.608 International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. Series B volume 2 issue 6 – 326p. scientists.uz. Series B Volume 2 Issue 6 June 2023 https://doi.org/10.5281/ zenodo.8101001

8.Jurayeva P.-The significance of folk games in the formation of mathematical imagination. Science and Innovation international Scientific journal Volume 2 ISSUE 7 JULY 2023 UIF-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 | UIF-2022: 8.2 SJIF 2023: 5.608 International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. Series B volume 2 issue 7 – 246p. SCIENTISTS.UZ Series B Volume https://doi.org/10.5281/ zenodo.8151765

9.Jurayeva P-Kazakh language lessons in primary classes are fruitful use of didactic games in organization. Science and Innovation international Scientific journal VOLUME 2 ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2023 UIF-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 |UIF-2022: 8.2 SJIF 2023: 5.608 International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. Series B volume 2 issue 8 – 265p. SCIENTISTS.UZ Series B. https://doi.org/10.5281/ zenodo.8298762

10.Xasanova Sh-Experiences in using steam approaches in forming students’ design skills. SCIENCE AND INNOVATION INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL VOLUME 2 ISSUE 11 NOVEMBER 2023 UIF-2022: 8.2 | ISSN: 2181-3337 | SCIENTISTS.UZ

11.Suvonov O.O.  Numerical algorithm of computational experiment of the applied optimal control problem in systems with distributed parameters. “Bulletin of TUIT: Management and Communication Technologies ”Suvonov O.O. 2021, 2 (46) 1 UDK 62-50.672.276.

12.Key perform key performance indica ance indicators as a f ors as a factor of hum or of human capital form al formation in heal tion in health care sy th care system of stem of uzbekistan. Economics and Innovative Technologies

13.Regional features and trends of medical service development in navoi region: hum oi region: human capi an capital formation context. Economics and Innovative Technologies

14.Usmonova R.-About the method of isolation of the definition.Журнал. World Languages.2021.1 March.

15.Usmonova R-The Role of the Russian Language among the World Languages. International Journal of Innovative Analyses and Emerging Technology e-ISSN: 2792-4025 | http://openaccessjournals.eu | Volume: 1 Issue: 6 Features of the lyrical poetry of the east. Журнал. World Languages.2021.1 March

16.Usmаnova Rahima Mamayusupovna – Problems of russian language teaching.ijodkor o‘qituvchi jurnali 5 noyabr / 2021 yil / 12 – son

17.Suvonov O.O. Heuristic models for multiparameter identification of hydrodynamic objects of analysis. Central asian journal of mathematical theory and computer sciences https://cajmtcs.centralasianstudies.org. Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July 2022 ISSN: 2660-5309.

18.Suvonov O.O. Mathematical Modeling of Learning Processes Based on the Theory of Control. Central asian journal of mathematical theory and computer sciences http://cajmtcs.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJMTCS. Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022  ISSN: 2660-5309

19.Djurayeva P.-Science and innovation international scientific journal-Бастауыш сыныптарда математикалық дағдыларын бағалау (egma) ізденісін өткезудің мақсат пен міндеттерінің маңызы.2022 yil, №3

20.Suvonov O.O.  Mathematical Model of Optimization of Selection Distribution during Management of the “Reservoir-Well” System. European multidisciplinary journal of modern science ISSN 2750-6274 https://emjms.academicjournal.io   Volume: 11 | Oct-2022

21.G‘ulomova N-international scientific research journal – Text theory: Structure, Concept and pragmatic aspect

22.Джураева Пердегүл Саидовна-Бастауыш сыныпта математика курсында маңызды мәселелерді оқыту әдістемесі -science and innovation international scientific journal volume 1 ISSUE 6 IF-2022

23.Djurayeva P.-Science and innovation international scientific journal-Бастауыш сыныптарда оқу дағдылары методикасын оқытуда креативті жанасу. 2022 yil, №4

24.Джураева Пердегҥл Саидовна -Білігін жетілдіру жҥйесіндегі тҥпкілікті ӛзгерістер мен олардың іс жҥзіндегі маңызы -science and innovation international scientific journal volume 1 ISSUE 7 UIF-2022:

25.Usmanova Raxima –  “Journal of new century innovations” xorijiy jurnalining Volume–5_Issue WSRjournal.com.  “New approaches to learning” mavzusidagi maqola chop etildi. 2022-yil may oyi.


Boshqa xalqaro ilmiy jurnallarda chop etilgan maqolalar

1.Aripov I-Professional Skills and Competences of Technology Teachers. International Journal on Integrated Education https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE

2.Qorayeva L-Relation is as a Social Psychological Problem. Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, Volume 26| November 2023 ISSN: 2795-739X

3.G’ulomova N-Важное практическое значение создания параллельного корпуса Алишера Навои. «Лучший научный сотрудник – 2023»: Cодружество независимых государств Астана, Международный конкурс ЛНС-2023 (2).pdf Казахстан. 2023-yil, – B. 218-124

4.G’ulomova N-Alisher Navoiyning yozuvchilik kulliyatini rivojlantirishning eğitimsel va tarixsel ahamiyati. Uluslararasi türklerin Dünyasi sosyal bilimler Sempozyumu VII. International world of Turks symposium of social Sciences. Turkiya, – B. 885-892 http://www.weltdertuerken.org/assets/images/sempozyum/64ff872077fc0589.pdf

5.Do‘sanov E-“O‘smir psixologiyasiga virtual kompuyter o‘ynlarining salbiy tasiridan himoyalashning ijtimoiy psixologik mexanizmlari”. NamDU ilmiy axborotnomasining  2021-yil 11-sonida

6.Do‘sanov E-“Kреативлик-бола шахсини ривожлантирувчи категория сифатида”. ToshDU ilmiy axborotlari jurnali 2021y 9–son

7.Po‘latov J-Barqaror taraqqiyot konteksida inson taraqqiyoti konsepsiyasi  «Imom Buxoriy saboqlari» jurnali 4 son

8.Karimova D-“Yoshlarning zamonaviy madaniy qiyofasini shakllantirishda umuminsoniy qadriyatlarning ahamiyati”, “O‘zbekiston Milliy Universiteti Xabarlari” jurnalining 2021- yil 1/3/1 sonida;

9.Po‘latov J-“Jamiyat barqarorligi-inson taraqqiyotining o‘ziga os mexanizmi sifatida”, 2021- yil 10-sonida Urganch davlat universitetining axborotnomasi “Ilm sarchashmalari” da;

10.Karimova D-“Main factors of forming modern cultural imace of youth”, 2021-yil dekabrda “Galaxy international interdisciplinary research journal”;

11.Po‘latov J-“Barqaror taraqqiyot: tizimli tahlil”, Namangan Davlat Universiteti axborotnomasining  2021 yil 9-sonida;

12.Karimova D-“Yoshlarning  zamonaviy  madaniy  qiyofasini  shakllantirish  masalalari”, Urganch davlat Universitetining “Ilm sarchashmalari” jurnali 2021-yil 5-sonida;

13.Po‘latov J-Inson taraqqiyotiga oid g‘oyalarning rivojlanish dinamikasi”, O‘zbekiston falsafa jamiyati “Falsafa va hayot xalqaro jurnal”ining  2021 – yil 2-sonida;

14.Fayziyeva F-“XIX asr oxiri – XX asr boshlarida Buxoro amirligining ma’muriy – hududiy tuzilishi va aholi tarkibi”, Xorazim ma’mun akademiyasi axborotnomasi 2021-yil 3-sonida;

15.Fayziyeva F-“XIX asr oxiri – XX asr boshlarida Buxoro amirligida ilmiy – adabiy muhit”, Urganch davlat Universitetining “Ilm sarchashmalari” jurnali 2021-yil 2-sonida;

16.Karimova D-“Yоshlаrdа sog‘lom turmush mаdаniyatini rivojlаntirish jаrаyonlаridа ulаrni mustаqil hаyotgа tаyyorlаsh”. NamDU ilmiy axborotnomasining 2021-yil 11-sonida

17.Po‘latov J-“Demokratik jamiyatda inson taraqqiyoti konsepsiyasining ijtimoiy-falsafiy tahliliga oid”, “Fuqarolik jamiyati” jurnalida 2021- yil 2- sonida;

18.Karimova D-“Yоshlаrdа sog‘lom turmush mаdаniyatini rivojlаntirish jаrаyonlаrini takomillashtirish mexanizmlari”. UzMU ilmiy axborotnomasiga 2021-yil 6-sonida

19.Pulatov J. -O‘zbekistonning barqaror rivojlanish tendensiyalari-OAK. Ilm sarchashmalari 08.2022

20.Boboqulov J.-Python dasturlash tilining ma’lumot turlari mavzu sini Inovatsion yondashuv asosida oʻqitish metodikasi -O‘zbekistonda fanlararo innovatsiyalar va ilmiy tadqiqotlar jurnali, 2022-yil, 11-son, 120-bet

21.Karimova D-Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies- 22-02-2022, -Classification Of the Problems of The Formation of Contemporary Spiritual Image of The Youth

22.Do‘sanov E-“Vestnik integrativnoy psixologii” Yaroslav, jurnaliga “O‘smirlarning internetga bog’liligi psixologik xususiyatlari” mavzusida Buxoro “Psixologiya” ilmiy jurnaliga. – “Virtual olam va tarbiya masalalari»

23.Safarov D-“Vestnik integrativnoy psixologii” Yaroslav, jurnaliga Исследования по психологии маркетинга и их анализ

24.Muxammadiyeva L.-State press policy of the soviet state in the turkey century (on the example of personnel training)-international scientific research journal.6.06.2022y

25.Karimova D.-falsafa va hayot jurnali 2022 yil — «Jamiyat barqaror taraqqiyotini rivojlantirishda fuqarolik jamiyati institutlarining o‘rni»

26.Fayziyeva F.-Activity of churches and educational institutions at russian residences of emergency bukhara (LATE 19 th – EARLY 20 th CENTURY) -Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research  May 2022

27.Jurayeva D.-Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies Vol. 19 (2022): July 2022 -Technologies for the formation of teamwork skills in children of preschool educational organizations

28.Narzullayev N-Электронное научно-практическое периодическое издание «Экономика и социум» – Taking geography lessons using finnish educational technologies